Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Boy Or Girl Predictor - 7 Funny Baby Gender Prediction Myths

You are pregnant and to come arrest of sex of the baby. Of course, you can easily determine the sex of baby through ultrasound or ultrasound with your doctor. There is nothing at this time, what you do, rather than to influence the sex if the baby is a boy or a girl.

The following myths are what they are, add myths and they're just having fun in the decision process of the child. They are also called fairy tales.

1 Heart rate. The most common myth is that if the heart rate of a pregnant woman is more than 140 per minute, the chances are for a little girl. Less than 140 per minute will probably be a boy. This myth has some respect in the recent past, because it by demonstrating how the results of the University of Kentucky was supported.

2 The fashion wear pregnancy. The myth says that if you carry low, you probably have a bay boy and a little girl when you wear high. Up when you wear your belly and chest tilts wear low when it harder near the stomach.

3 Weight gain. It's really funny that this has nothing to do with the mother. He says if your husband puts extra kilos during pregnancy, you probably have a little girl. If this is not the case, then you are likely to have a boy.

4 the dynamics of the fetus. This myth says that when the baby is active, then you probably have a little boy. Not so active, you have a little girl. This is based on the belief that boys more than girls based troublesome.

5 Cravings. Watch your diet, the fifth myth of gender prediction says that if you want more on chocolate, sweets instead of chips have, you may have a little girl. If you take more salts it says your baby can probably be a boy.

6 Morning Sickness The sixth myth believes that most of the morning, it does not accept more likely that you have a little girl. The opposite for a little boy.

7 Table of Chinese design. Table of Chinese design could help to know the sex of your unborn child. The table is to link your month of conception with your age, you may order type of unborn babies. Trust the old Chinese.

These are myths to add fun to baby-making, but of course there are techniques you can use to influence success rate of your baby's sex with over 94%. They are free and save.

For more tips and resources on effective natural methods guaranteed to help you determine if you visit this resourceful site have a baby or a baby.

Do not let your baby's gender opportunities. If it is your desire to determine the baby's sex is, how to get beautiful baby girl or baby bouncing you want. There are natural ways that have been proven to choose baby's sex.

Jide Omiyale is married, has three degrees, including a master and make life easier and better for couples, it intends to be. Expert on relationships and happy life, he is a researcher, author and lecturer.
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